Monday, 11 October 2010

Quick! Knit faster!

Ack! I'm running out of yarn for my birthday socks! My solution? Knit faster, of course. Like when the car is running low on petrol my response is to drove faster until I get to the petrol station. Totally unhelpful.

So I'm sitting in front of Dancing with the Stars with a hot chocolate on one side of me and my knitting on the other. I admit, I'm not at all perturbed by Brandy's costume tonight which basically appears to be sequinned underwear and a net curtain. Very nice. I tried to find a picture but Google doesn't appear to have any yet*. I am, however, more than amused at Bristol Palin having a hard time with sexy dance moves. Come on, girl, who are you trying to fool? Methinks the "lady" doth protest too much.

And I'm hungry. I'm trying to lose weight after some photos of the weekend's pumpkin carving revealed just how lardy my arse has become. Shocking. I've been trying to lose weight since January and haven't managed to lose a single pound. Well, maybe I've lost about half a stone, but that's not much and I've spent most of the ten months since January gaining and losing it. Damn that chocolate, that's my downfall. But we have no chocolate in the house and I'm trying to do a better job of not buying it. It's hard. For the record, the hot chocolate I've been drinking was a 20-calorie sachet thing from Kroger. It was gross. And I'm still hungry.

*Interesting aside. If I type "google" with a lower case "g" my spellcheck flags it as incorrect. Type it with an uppercase "G" and apparently it's okay. Totally mundane information.

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