I am not, however, presently reading Nancy Chodorow. Somewhere between Germaine Greer's comment about a woman not wanting to be told she has a "twat like a horse-collar" (yes, she did say that and goodness knows what kind of people I'll attract to my blog with a quote like that) and Sherry Ortner's dissection of culture and nature, I lost the will to read. When I discovered the 30+ pages of Chodorow, my will was further displaced. This is bad news for a variety of reasons. I still have to do the reading--at some point. I can't do it tomorrow (and likely won't get any homework done tomorrow) because it's Susan's birthday and we're having the clan round for dinner. Before that, there are groceries to be bought. She wants a peach cream pie for her birthday so that has to be made. And because her mum is coming over I have to at least make the house look presentable. Well, I don't have to, but I want to. I'm odd like that. Anyway, this means that I'm going to have a lot to do on Monday, which is going to make me grumpy. Right now, I don't care. I'd rather knit and watch television.
Aside from avoiding homework (that's not strictly true, I did do some Latin and logic) we've had a lovely day. Saturday morning means Starbucks and the Farmers' Market and it was simply a lovely day to be wandering around, even if we didn't buy much. One honeycrisp apple (seriously, those are the best apples ever), two green peppers, and some aged goats cheese was the sum total of our haul. I did take a couple of photos of a rather cool chap who plays his rather cool guitar there every week. I'd been meaning to take the camera down for a while, and finally remembered today.
I can't play the guitar but even I have guitar envy for this piece of musical goodness.

In other news, Izzy went tailgating for the first time today, complete with UK tattoo on her cheek. She got back a short while ago, stuffed with pork, corn, macaroni cheese, and brownies. It's going to take us days to get her back on schedule but at least she had a good time.
And I took Susan shopping for a pasta maker. She's been wanting one for ages and we had some gift vouchers to use up so I dragged her off to that Bed, Bath and Beyond place (I love that place, it's so full of unnecessary nonsense) and bought her one. Now I'm looking forward to the results. Why do you ask if I had an ulterior motive...? Jeoffrey had fun with the box, though. I left it on the table so he tried it for size and found it a little lacking...
Not to be beaten, ten minutes later we discovered this...
Jeoffrey has a poorly eye today--no idea what he's done to it but it's a bit swollen and red. We've been bathing it and he seems otherwise to be fine so we'll wait and see what happens.
Anyway, I'm still avoiding Nancy Chodorow and someone just put "Addams Family Values" on the DVD player so I'm away to knit...I have this to finish...
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