So, here you will find life and knitting. Hopefully.
This morning finds me resisting my tendency to be nosy. There are happenings outside which appear to involve three police cars and a black sedan of some kind. Becs tells me that people have been interviewed (she ran out to put some dead flowers in the bin) but as I type this Susan informs me that the cars are all leaving. I missed my opportunity for voyeurism. Damn.
It's a sunny day here in the great state of KY, a predicted high of 80-something. Will someone please tell October that I'm over all this heat now? Plus, we're using Thomas' car at the moment (he's got our truck as he's in the process of moving) which unfortunately has no air conditioning. That wouldn't be so bad if the windows worked. They don't. His car is an unpleasant sweat box that quickly reaches temperatures of 100-plus and tomorrow we have plans to go to Louisville to visit one of Susan's old high school friends. In the almost 90 degree heat. I am not feeling enthusiastic about this.
Anyway, car trauma aside, today has got off to a gentle start. Susan let me sleep in (thank you, sweetie) which was much needed--I'm still getting over last week's cold and find myself needing more sleep than usual. But by 7.30am I was up, if not exactly ready, and working on Latin and philosophy homework. Now, apart from the need to read 40 pages of feminist theory, my day is my own. What to do?
Well, knit, of course. I started the second sock of my birthday socks last night and am keen to get them finished.
I'm really happy with the first sock. It's a little baggy on the foot but nothing really noticeable. And I love the yarn. Mostly, though, I'm impressed that Susan went--all by herself--into the intimidating realms of Stitch Niche just for me. Plus, she chose yarn with glitter in it. Couldn't be more perfect.
I'll post more pictures when they're completely finished. Which won't be today, although I'm hoping that there will be significant progress because I need to get started on some socks for Heather's birthday. It's on the 16th of this month and she's in England. Yes, that's right, I have 8 days to knit and post a pair of handknitted socks for which I don't even have the yarn yet (I only ordered it from KnitPicks on Wednesday). It's a sport weight yarn (Felici, don't you know...) but even so, I think I'm being overly optimistic.
Other than that, a shower would probably be a good start to the rest of the day. And I want to carve a pumpkin. Haven't decided what design to carve yet--I'm not sure whether to carve a fairy for Jen's daughters (Jen is the friend we're supposed to be visiting tomorrow) or do something more fun for us. And I want to bake this banana bread. And I need to go to Target for mascara and knee high socks but that's another story.
*doesn't have to be Green & Black's. Any chocolate will do. Right now, it's those little Almond Joy pieces.
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