Anyway, Susan bought red velvet cake yesterday (in lieu of doughnuts because the Kroger she went to is the only one in the area that doesn't sell fresh doughnuts) for her birthday breakfast. Lookin' good, Becs, with that birthday bed-head going on!

I love that Sonny Landham has made it into her birthday breakfast photo--see him peeping out from her t-shirt? Wonderful. What I love more is that I got a card from Becs today--part of a tradition that Susan has with her mother. Inside, she wrote "thanks for the 23 chromosomes and all the stuff". Perfect. I am loved.
In other news, I haven't blogged for simply ages but today, because I'm procrastinating horribly (I have a 20 page Gender & Women's Studies research paper due in a week...) I thought I'd blog because it probably wouldn't do to get my knitting out at work. I'm tempted though, especially as I have to get mum's socks finished and in the post so they'll get to her by Christmas. My needles are going as fast as they possibly can--when I'm not at work. So, today, in the spirit of procrastination, I've pootled around on facebook and Ravelry (a lot), shuffled papers on my desk (quite a bit) and felt guilty about the work I'm not doing. That work would be Latin and the aforementioned GWS paper. And I typed up a piece of nonfiction that I started working on yesterday--something that I have absolutely no need to work on--about my dad and his ears. It's called "I Get My Ear Problems From My Dad". It's only a short picce, about 1,000 words, and isn't quite finished yet but I quite like it thus far. But it's not the required GWS paper. I have a feeling that this decision is going to bite me thoroughly on the backside in the next week.
Oh, and I'm a Ravelry star. Well, not quite. I logged in to my account this morning to find a message from "the powers that be" (or at least someone acting on their behalf) asking if they could use a photograph of one of my finished items on the Ravelry page for that pattern. I feel famous, and like someone important said "I like your knitting, Missy, please do more". The pattern in question is Garden Rows by Susan Robicheau and it's my "Salem's Lot" version of these dishcloths that have made it to the pattern page. I'm inordinately happy about this. Simple things, right?
On that note, I should probably at least try to get something productive done with my day *sigh* At least the semester is almost over, I'm totally ready for a break now.